Saturday brunch: Honey and Co.

Honey and Co.

There is usually a simple explanation as to why brunch posts make their way onto this blog which is, mainly, about coffee. The reason is that they were chosen because of the coffee served and the food is only an added bonus which turns out to be exceptional enough for me to want to write about. Not this time though as I visited Honey and Co. (@Honeyandco) purely because of their food. In fact I didn't even have a coffee with my brunch (despite asking for it twice). 

I am fascinated by the food industry and I like to ponder on why some restaurants do better than others and what is the key to success. For Honey and Co. it is not the grand premises. They are based in one small, simple room on Warren St. It is also not the location, slightly off the main road and not an obvious choice for a restaurant. It is also not a flashy advertising campaign (although I'm sure winning the OFM award 2013 for the best newcomer helped). It most certainly is the food: its vibrant colours and unforgettable flavours. It brought back memories of some of the Middle Eastern feasts I've had in Israel. 

The menu is baffling to say the least. Legbar eggs, zaatar, ashura...these are not words I am used to seeing on a breakfast menu. I settled for a sabich - roasted aubergine, tahini and fried egg in a pitta because I'm a sucker for the wonderfully weird taste of tahini. It was one of those things that shouldn't work as a breakfast dish but most certainly did. My greedy nature wouldn't let me stop at that though. Not having received my cardamom cooked coffee, I had to have something sweet to finish my meal off. Preferably one of their famous cakes: the warm marzipan with rhubarb made all my senses sing and I instantly regretted the idea of splitting it with my partner!

And so my food business education continues: long live the word of mouth which introduced me to Honey and co. I will certainly be back.


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