Coffee and motorbikes

Some of you may know that I am passionate about two things: coffee and motorbikes. Coincidentally they go very well together; a cup of good coffee after a long ride tastes heavenly and it helps to restore concentration to get through more miles. Ace Cafe London (@acecafelondon) gives a sense of biking community and is filled with bikers and their beloved machines. So what that the coffee is not great, it's worth suffering for the atmosphere! 

Ace Cafe London

Inside Ace Cafe

Helmets inside Ace Cafe

And that is why we are planning a motorbike coffee tour: The Long Way Around...France

Maps and laptops


  1. Love it! Coffee + Bikes - My dad would certainly be a fan of your type of travel!

  2. Thanks Kara, it certainly is a great way to travel!


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