The true cost of being a coffee blogger

Admittedly, being a coffee blogger doesn't come cheap, and I'm not just talking about the sleepless nights, heart palpitations, shaking hands, anxiety, dizziness and general caffeine high. Buying a cup of coffee, (ok and a croissant or....brunch to go with it), costs a lot of money when done every day, couple of times a day! Which is why loyalty cards like the ones below are so helpful. They ensure that I make every effort to deserve my hard-earned free coffee!

And if that wasn't enough, there are some lovely crazy people out there like Kirby, Wes and Ed from the Roasting Party(@TheRoastingParty) who send me free samples of their roasts:

I must say, when I first opened this package I thought: 'Nobody is this generous, their coffee is bound to be really bad'. Well, guess what, it isn't! In fact, it is very smooth, pleasant and easy to drink and the aeropress brings the best out of it. As it will take me a while to get through all of the different blends, I'm sure you'll be reading about them again...


  1. I currently have about 7 loyalty cards for good independent coffee shops, plus a bunch for the chains which I no longer bother with. Although I only recognise one of yours (TAP)

    1. Yes, it's the most distinctive of them all! Flat White in Soho, Tonic Coffee Bar and Speakeasy are the other 3

  2. I've got a special wallet for my coffee loyalty cards and it's already bursting at the seams! I'm looking forward to the rise of the e-loyalty card, so I can keep them all on my phone! The number of times I've stood at a till, saying "I'm sure I've got one of your loyalty cards somewhere..." as I look through 50 or so of them!



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